2019 eCommerce growth in Europe:

2019 graph eCommerce growth in Europe

2016 Digital platforms are eating the world:

Digital platforms are eating the world from Statista

2017 Digital platforms are eating the world:

Store Analysis: Amazon.com from Statista

2017 Walmart's eCommerce Ambitions - eCommerce Analysis for walmart.com:

Walmart's eCommerce Ambitions - eCommerce Analysis for walmart.com from Statista

2018 International erfolgreich online verkaufen - eCommerce:

International erfolgreich online verkaufen - eCommerce from Olaf Grueger

2016 eCommerce-Markt Deutschland - Analyse der Top 1.000 B2C Online-Shops nach Nettoumsatz:

eCommerce-Markt Deutschland - Analyse der Top 1.000 B2C Online-Shops nach Nettoumsatz 2016 from Statista

2016-2021 e-Commerce China, Europe, USA:

e-Commerce: China vs. the US from Statista